Ab Master Plus

Ab Master Plus the easy way to tone your abs fast. Forget crunches. Just sit back, relax and rock! Get a complete Ab Workout,

The Ab Master Plus:: An abs exercise aid machine, which promises to give you those nice abs you have always wanted 'the easier way.

The Ab Mastert Plus:: Let you rock or twist your way to toner, tighter, leaner abs and obliques, all without applying any harmful pressure or strain to your.


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Shark Power King Size Super Form Cream (Germany) The only real natural Penis Enlargement Cream!!

With great efficiency increasing thickness of penis, increases libido and desire, better period marital relationship, creating a deep and prolonged act. Shark Super Power King Size Super Form Advanced Formula create stronger bonding between penile erection and actual increase in size.
Shark Super Power King Size Super Form is Made in Germany (Special Men) Cream is made of 100% herbal supplements beneficial and without side effects, very new, effective, powerful and advanced formulations.
Best sex cream for men with 5 Application: Shark Super Power King Size Super Form Cream efficiency has five times bigger penile thickness, increases sexual desire and lust, intercourse period with deep sexual acts, and purifying the white color of the penis and disinfection area of sexuality.
Shark Super Power King Size Super Form has a strong herbal formula significantly increasing the time of ejaculation and increase sexual pleasure and sexual satisfaction in the sexual partner:
Very strong product, with new and advanced formulations. 
Enhancing strong, rapid and long-time close and late ejaculation granted.
Enhancing constant diameter, thick and overall penis size as permanent and lifelong.
Enhancing the rate and duration of erection (straight and erect penis) as a very hearty and sweet.
Light skin color and bleach penis.
Increases semen volume and the amount of semen during ejaculation thrust (due to having the plants of nutrients and tonics). The high doses of vitamins in the Shark Super Power King Size Super Form Cream are easily absorbed through the skin cells of the penis.
How to use Shark Super Power King Size Super Form
First, rinse your penis with warm water and soap to wash a good chair to fully dry. Then rub penis with a little cream gently (for 10 to 15 minutes) until the contents of the cream are completely absorbed. Above an activity done at night and to receive optimal results use the cream keep 8 to 12 weeks. Better results appear after covering the penis with warm cloth and leaving it (14 to 16 minutes) until the cells absorb it (penile tissue cells, the main constituent).


Grow Pro HGP is a revolutionary product now available in India. It is a result of years of research, many tests, and continuous changes and modifications. The research started in early 2000 over the effects of Apple polyphenols, especially procynidine B2, B3, and C1, on hair growth and the initial results showed that it is 200% better than commonly used drugs such as minoxidil! Procynidines are proven to stimulate follicles for hair growth and restore follicle health and their effect on hair growth is simply amazing. Further during product development phase, a potent mechanism was devised to inhibit DHT, a hormone considered the main cause of baldness, coming in contact of hair follicle by forming a barrier againstDHT at follicle receptor level.This is a much better way of promoting growth without side effects as it is not altering any gland to produce less DHT.

Further, Grow Pro HGP is not an oil-based paste, so it does not cause blockage of sebaceous and sweat glands, which lead to infections on scalp. At the same, time it moisturizes the scalp to keep a check on dandruff too. The active ingredients in HGP work in following ways.

1. It forms a barrier between androgen receptors at the follicle and DHT without affecting the flow of nutrients.This prevents miniaturization of hair follicle and prolong the anagen or growth phase of hair.
2. It utilizes the apple polyphenols (procynidine B2, B3, and C1) to stimulate the stem cells in the follicle to
3. The active ingredients nourish the dermal papilla to provide essential nutrients to follicle for proper growth.
4. It cleans the scalp for fungal and other minor infections and cures dandruff.
5. It conditions the hair to give a shiny and smooth appearance.

Price 3400/-PKR

Call @ 080013331

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It's not a brush. It's not a flat iron. It's not a curling iron. It's the InStyler® rotating hot iron!
The InStyler® rotating hot iron is a totally new styling and straightening tool unlike any hair styling product ever invented! The secret to the InStyler® iron lies in its rotating heated polishing cylinder, along with four rows of precision-aligned bristles. Here's how it works: when you run the InStyler® rotating hot iron through your hair, the first set of bristles gently sort and separate your hair strands. Then the rotating heated polishing cylinder gently glides over your hair, smoothly polishing, straightening, and styling each strand. Finally, the second set of bristles puts the finishing touch on your hair, leaving you with shiny, silky, hair! It's truly amazing! And the best part is, because of the InStyler® rotating hot iron's patented design, your hair won't get smashed and baked by the super-intense heat of a flat iron or other "hot" tools. In fact, the InStyler® rotating hot iron uses less heat than traditional hot tools, and delivers better results. How? Because the InStyler® rotating hot iron's gentle heat in conjunction with the rotating motion of the polishing cylinder literally polishes your hair strands individually so it doesn't need extreme heat to get amazing results.

Your hair will be shinier, bouncier and full of lift and life!
Plus, the InStyler® rotating hot iron does so much more than any styling tool out there. Get lift and fullness – right from the root! Get a sexy flip in seconds. Straighten even the toughest, most coarse hair – and still get fullness and style without the stick-straight "flatness" of a flat iron. Do a full style in 8 minutes – and change it again in two minutes! Wrap your hair around the rotating polishing cylinder – and get an amazing curl that lasts all day!
If you can hold it, you can do it with the InStyler® rotating hot iron 

Price 3500 

Call @ 080013331

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Lady Secret Cream

Lady Secret effects positively on intimate relationship where both partner looses interest in each other without knowing the cause, this Lady Secret cream gives you complete youthfulness and bring back the vagina into its original shape and Enhances tightening sensation and heightens sensitivity of vagina. 



1. Firm and tighten the vagina naturally at the same time to give more pleasure and comfort.
2. Contains estrogen helping to restore lubrication solving the problem of vaginal dryness.
3. Helps in restoring the vagina suppleness.
4. It also increases vaginal secretion and contraction of vaginal channel.
5. It is an anti-inflammatory that stop swelling and dispel unpleasant odor.
6. Helpful in protection from microbial pathogens.
7. Contracts and reshape the vaginal walls to intensify intimate pleasure.


Lady Secret Cream
(Herbal Vaginal Contraction) can shows results within 30 minutes.

 Price 2000

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